"12 chairs" picturized to Zakharov Mark and Leonid Iovich Gayday

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It is unlikely there will be a person who did not read Ilf and Petrov's novel. But if is, one of two well-known screen versions watched precisely. In 1971 there was a screen version Leonid Iovich Gayday, and in five years Zakharov Mark released the four-serial television movie. Source: lenfilm.ru But the first attempt of the screen version was carried out by the director Belinsky Alexander in 1966. Options "12 chairs" left earlier, in the 30th, but abroad: Czech-Polish and British. Them adapted under the national soil. Source: ruskino.ru When began to remove television performance, for a role...
Alisa Freyndlikh
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Zakharov Mark
Belinsky Alexander
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