Известные красноярцы оценили шансы Яна Непомнящего стать чемпионом мира по шахматам

Завтра за игровым столом сойдутся Магнус Карлсен и Ян Непомнящий...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Krasnoyarsk newspaper 'Gorodskiye Novosti'» , more details in our Terms of Service
Ian Aleksandrovich Nepomnyashchy
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Вячеслав Сергеевич Тиличеев
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Magnus Carlsen (Magnus Carlsen)
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Leo Borisovich Psakhis
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Fominykh Maria