Alexander Aleksandrovich Zverev beat Daniil Medvedev, Rodger Federer will not go to Australian Open, Teymuraz Gabashvili is disqualified. Main events of the past week

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Past week two Total tournaments - at men in Turin and women in Guadalajara took place at once. So now it is possible to sum up the season-2021 results safely. The champion Alexander Aleksandrovich Zverev (Turin) For the German tennis player it already the second trophy of Total tournament of Association tennisistov-professionalov. Let's note that this tournament did not become for it easy walk. Having won two victories and having suffered one defeat in group, it left in a playoffs from the second place and in a semi-final met the first racket of the world, the Serbian Novak Dzhokovich. Nevertheless, as well as earlier at the Olympic Games Alexander Aleksandrovich Zverev adequately accepted this call, having proved that is ready to fight with...