Disqualification of the Russian tennis player, new cinema about David Robert Jones and other news

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The digest at the age of 67 years from Koronavirus died the actor Valery Borisovich Garkalin. It was known on work in the pictures "Shirley-myrli", "Lily of the Valley Silvery", "Poor Sasha". For the last days to Russian Federation revealed 37 120 new cases of Koronavirus — it 1602 less, than yesterday. 36 172 persons recovered, died 1254. The virologist FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "NITSEM NAMED AFTER N. F. GAMALEI" MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Alexander Mikhaylovich Butenko declared that if outlined dynamics on decrease in incidence of Koronavirus will remain within one-two weeks, it will be possible to speak about recession of the fourth wave of a pandemic. "Now a tendency good" — he reported. Court jurors to United States of America...