HOT ICE France. The schedule of translations TV channel "Pervy kanal" and structure of participants from the fifth stage of the Grand Prix on figure skating

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On Friday, November 19, in Grenoble starts the fifth stage of a series of the Grand Prix on figure skating 2021/22. The Internationaux de France tournament will last till November 21. Russian Federation in these competitions Alexandra Boykova with Dmitry Kozlovsky will present Alena Kostornaya,  Anna Shcherbakov, Dmitry Aliev, Alexandra Boykova with Dmitry Kozlovsky and other our athletes. In full by tradition the First channel – online and in an air will show all performances TV channel "Pervy kanal" today starts the fifth stage of a series of the Grand Prix on figure skating 2021/22. It will pass from November 19 to November 21. The first two days will be competitive, and in...
Alyona Kostornaya
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
 Anna Shcherbakova
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Dmitry Aliev
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Alexandra Boykova
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Dimitri Kozlovsky
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating