The student of faculty of FKS Alexander Nikolaevich Nesterov – the silver world champion in sambo

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The athlete helped the national team Russian Federation to win medal offset of the prestigious competitions Second-year Student of a Magistracy of faculty of physical culture and sport (FKS) of NATSIONALNY ISSLEDOVATELSKY NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, UNIVERSITY LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU, the Honoured Master of Sports Russian Federation Alexander Nikolaevich Nesterov won a silver medal of Sambo World Cup which took place in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) from November 11 to November 15. In total representatives of 50 countries took part in competitions. The program of the World Cup included sports and fighting sambo competitions. 21 sets of medals were awarded: 14 – in sports sambo and seven – in fighting. As told at FKS faculty...