In Krasnoyarsk Territory entered obligatory vaccination for persons is more senior than 60 years and police officers

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For persons is more senior than 60 years and law enforcement officers in Krasnoyarsk Territory entered obligatory vaccination from Koronavirus. About it reported to journalists in Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare. In the personal Telegram-channel the chief health officer of edge Dmitry Goryaev specified that coverage by preventive inoculations not less than 80% of the total number of this of categories of Krasnoyarsk citizens has to be reached by January 15 of next year. Directorate of the federal service for supervision in Sphere of protection of Rights of consumers and wellbeing of Person on Murmansk region decided that to 80 percent of employees of the industrial companies in the region have to be imparted from Koronavirus in...