Fairy tales and historical tapes: the ballerina acted in what movies Ilse Liepa

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The known ballerina Ilse Liepa is the representative of the glorified creative dynasty. It found popularity as the talented dancer, but later the destiny of the girl developed so that it appeared in a film world and achieved success as the actress. On November 22 Ilse Liepa will be marked out by the 58th birthday, and in the run-up to this event we decided to tell, the known ballerina acted in what movies. "Mikhaylo Lomonosov" Career of the ballerina in Big theater developed difficult. She did not receive big roles. Therefore when to it suggested to play in the serial film about the great scientist, it with pleasure...
Natalia Bondarchuk
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, actress
Yegor Druzhinin
Last position: Actor, choreographer, theatrical director
Ilze Liepa
Last position: Ballerina, actress
Main activity:Culture and sports