The national team Russian Federation on sambo won medal offset of a WC in Uzbekistan

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The second place in the overall ranking was taken by the Uzbek sambo wrestlers, the third – athletes from Belarus. The national team Russian Federation on sambo won medal offset of the World Cup. Competitions took place from November 11 to November 14 in Tashkent. The program of superiority of a planet included sports and fighting sambo competitions. Russian Federation in sports sambo brought gold Kletskov Nikita (weight category to 71 kg), Uali Kurzhev (to 79 kg), Osipenko Artem (over 98 kg) and Olga Artoshina (over 80 kg). In fighting sambo by world champions as a part of the national team Russian Federation steel Magomedov Rasul (to 98 kg), Sheykh-Mansur Ibragimovich Khabibulaev (to 64 kg)...
Ruslan Zaynulavovich Gasankhanov
Last position: The professional athlete on fighting sambo ("FEDERATSIYA BOYEVOGO SAMBO RUSSIA")
Magomed Magomedov
Last position: The professional athlete on sambo
All-Russian Federation of Sambo
All-Russian federation of sambo