Records Matvey Michkov and new experience for young Russians: results of the Cup of Karyal

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The national team Russian Federation on hockey opened a new season three matches within Karyal's Cup. Representing the country at Evrotur's first stage the team under the direction of Bratash Oleg and Sergei Aleksandrovich Zubov took the third place, having won one victory in three meetings. After defeats from Finns (0:3) and Swedes (2:4) Russians beat Czechs (5:2). Average age of the national team at the stage of Evrotur first in a season made Russia 20 years. All other participants of tournament brought more age commands for Karyal's Cup. Average age of Swedes – 28 years, Czechs – 24,5 years. For Finns at a house stage only one hockey player played...