Literary round

@Murmanskij vestnik
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Photo: Photo of the author and Kazhenkin Rustam. In Museum mammoth. (Continuation. The beginning in No. No. 162, 163, 166, 167. ) The country of mammoths of Murmanskay uobalas - so presented me to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic all days of the literary festival "Good Fortune of Big Snow" (16%2B). No, it not a draznilka, nobody called me the goof. So on Yakut "Murmansk region" sounds. And as on a festival writers more than from ten regions Russian Federation and the countries Commonwealth of Independent States gathered, each time of the delegate represented and in his residence. But picturesque language and as a whole national culture of Yakuts about which, of course, I will a little tell, far...