Sokolov Yegor trains with "Ottawa" before game with "Boston"

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On November 8 Hockey club "Ottava Senatorz" returned the Russian forward Sokolov Yegor to the main structure from farm-club, and the 9th hockey player trained in the fourth three of attack, reports Canadian sports channel "TSN" 1200 in Twitter. Earlier 21-year-old hockey player acted in Bellevil Senatorz farm-club, having played for it nine matches, having gathered in them 6 (4%2B2) points at an indicator of usefulness "0". Sokolov Yegor acted in the current inter-season period for "Ottawa", on October 3 was sent to AHL to "Bellevil". On October 9 it was declared return of the player to the main structure "Senatorz", every other day it again went to farm-club then acted in...
Nikita Kholden
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey
Sokolov Yegor
Brown Konnor
Kapuano Jack