Politicians Azerbaijan: "While Russian Federation in Karabakh, Ilkham Aliev remains in power"

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DOCUMENT. The translation with Azerbaijani a yazykapredsedatel of "Law and Justice" Party (Haqq v ə Ədalət) Insanov Ali, the ex-Minister of Health Azerbaijan in intervyuOSMANQIZI TV[1] "The Karabakh problem even more became aggravated. If earlier for liberation of Karabakh we struggled with the Armenian separatists and bandits, now except separatist bandits, the big Russian occupational army which under a sign peacekeeping, completely took mountain part of Karabakh there is placed. All know about it. They do not carry out the main points signed on November 10 not that of the statement, not that...
Ilkham Aliev
Last position: President of the Azerbaijan Republic (President of Azerbaijan Republic)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Recep Erdogan
Last position: President of the Republic of Turkey (President of Turkey)
Rasul Guliev
Main activity:Politician
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