In the Urals the girl ran away from adoptive parents and asked to rescue from them the sisters

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The schoolgirl independently reached to Yekaterinburg and hid at acquaintances that her did not return to torturers. Shot from video © social network "VKontakte" / Natalia Krylov Video © social network "VKontakte" / Natalia Krylov the teenage Girl ran away from cruel adoptive parents in Sredneuralsk and asked for orphanage. In a family still there are her sisters of six and four years whom it wants to take away with herself. "In orphanage it is much better. There dress and feed in time. Girls beat. The sister slapped strongly, and she hit about a ladder, we have two-storeyed beds there" — she told the deputy of the Duma of Asbestovsky...
Natalia Krylov
Last position: The Deputy Chief accountant is the Head of department of tax accounting of Department of business and tax accounting (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AK BARS" BANK)