Yesipenko Andrey won a victory in the 10th round of chess tournament of Grand Swiss in Riga

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Moscow, 6 Nov - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The Russian Yesipenko Andrey won against the Indian Krishnan Sashikiran party of the 10th round on the international chess tournament of Grand Swiss in Riga. The party in which white figures played Yesipenko Andrey, came to the end after the 60th course. Victories in the parties were won by Russians Oparin Grigory (black) and acting in a man's grid tournament Goryachkina Alexander (white), drew Daniil Dubov (white), Fedoseev Vladimir (white), Artemyev Wladyslaw (white) and Petr Svidler (white), defeats suffered Nikita Kirillovich Vityugov (white) and Kirill Alekseevich Alekseenko (black). In man's part...
Krishnan Sashikiran
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Pyotr Svidler
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Nikita Kirillovich Vityugov
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Kirill Alekseevich Alekseenko
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Даниил Дмитриевич Дубов
Last position: The professional athlete on chess