New constructed China road will help development east Serbia the president Alexander Vuchich

@IA Sin'hua
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Požarevac / Serbia/, 6 November/Xinhua / New constructed China is expensive, the connecting Požarevac from Veliko Gradiste and the Golubatsy/Danube corridor / to Serbia, will connect this region and will attract tourists and investors to east Serbia. The president declared Serbia Alexander Vuchich at a ceremony of a laying of the base. In the action devoted to the beginning of constructions 68-kilometer are expensive, the connecting highway to E-75 with east part of the country, took part Alexander Vuchich, the minister of constructions, transports and infrastructures Serbia Tomislav and the ambassador China to Serbia Chen Bo...
Alexander Vuchich
Last position: President of the Republic Serbia (President of Republic Serbia)
Vuchich A.