Shira Khaas from "Heterodox" acted in Christmas campaign of Prada

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Prada let out the new Christmas advertizing campaign inspired by a cinema. Over the scenario of a roller the director and the screenwriter Marie Kherron, known according to movies "I Shot at Uorkhol Andy", "American Psycho" and "Obscene Batty Page" worked. About it reports WWD. Video under the name A Midwinter's Night Dream were shot by the fashionable photographer Glen Lachford cooperating with Prada still since the 1990th years. In a roller the fantastic story of four heroes traveling on a fantastic snow-covered landscape which as a result is Los Angeles is told. In campaign young actors acted —...
Shira Khaas
Last position: Actress
Marie Kherron
Last position: Director, screenwriter
Uorkhol Andy
Partridzh Louie
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