Mass media: the American trainer is suspected of sexual harassments

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Moscow, 4 Nov - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The known American coach on track and field athletics of Rahn Rejder can be involved in sexual harassments, reports TV channel "CNN". Among athletes with whom the Raider, the double Olympic champion from United States of America Taylor Christian, the Olympic champion, Canadian André de Grass, the triple Olympic champion Tianna Bartoletta, the double world champion from Netherlands Skhippers Dafne and the world champion, the British Adam Dzhemilya worked. Concerning the Raider the Center of United States of America on safe sports after complaints which have arrived on it makes investigation. Advocaat Rejdera Stevens Ryan declared...
Simone Arianna Baylz
Last position: The professional athlete on artistic gymnastics
Taylor Christian
Skhippers Dafne
Adam Dzhemilya
Athletic Federation