The resident of Taganrog Nikolaevich Vladimir Gerzhev does of a tree the real masterpieces

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The resident of Taganrog Nikolaevich Vladimir Gerzhev does of a tree the real masterpieces For us it only sticks, snags, branches and stubs. And for Nikolaevich Vladimir Gerzheva they – elephants, bears, water and even Glinka and Tchaikovsky … From where such difference of perception? It is simple to eat ordinary people, and there are musicians. At the musician and the imagination rich, also treats he with special feeling not only to notes. Gerzhev, for example, and from a tree can create the symphony. Human life – mysterious piece. Never you know where the destiny will throw, what unexpected turn it prepared. About Nikolaevich Vladimir Gerzhev can be told words of Konfutsiya:...
Denise Tretyakov
Last position: Poet-song writer, musician, amateur performer, guitarist
Nikolaevich Vladimir
Lapenkov Alexander
City administration
Government Agency