The literary festival "Good Fortune of Big Snow" will be remembered to guests by hospitable heat and a unification

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Last week the literary festival "Good Fortune of Big Snow" in Yakutsk came to the end. Bright, the extremely saturated, to a regret the short... Surprising hospitality and organizing talent Luginov Nicholas, Kharlampyeva Natalia, Androsov Gavril, and also to guests will be remembered forever. The festival, one of the largest similar in the country, brought together from October 26 to October 28 in Yakutsk fans of graceful literature from Moscow Region and Murmansk Region, Republic of Khakassia, Republic of Karelia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Republic of Tatarstan, and Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. Within three days within a festival passed numerous actions: evening...