Samusenko Pawel won the third medal at the World Cup stage

@Murmanskij vestnik
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Photo: Savchenko Aleksey / Russportimage the Athlete from Murmansk Region in final day of competitions of the fourth stage A World Cup on swimming to Kazan became 100 m second at a distance on a back. Result of the silver prize-winner Samusenko Pawel - 50,44 seconds. Other Russian Kliment Kolesnikov, on the third place also our compatriot Grigory Tarasevich won. Let's remind, earlier the pupil of sport school of Polyarnye Zori, representing complex sport school of the Olympic reserve Murmansk, at competitions to Kazan won gold at a distance of 50 meters on a back and bronze at a distance of 100 meters...
Kliment Kolesnikov
Last position: The professional athlete on swimming
Savchenko Aleksey
Samusenko Pawel