Museum the modern art declared the program of Night of arts

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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State budget cultural institution Moscow "Moskovsky museum of contemporary art" invites on November 4 inhabitants and guests of the capital to the program dated for All-Russian action "Night of Arts". Actions will take place in an online format. On the Webinar platform evening will open Public-talk about the book Alexandra Staruseva-Persheeva "the Videoart. Installation of the viewer". Together with the author of the book participants will discuss strategy of formation of a videoart as special form of screen art. Listeners learn, books how exactly mentioned by the author movies and video illustrate a gap of "assembly thinking" and that in this situation to do both to the viewer, and the representative of the art world. Nurseries...
Alexandra Staruseva-Persheeva
Sobolev Artem
Skryabin A. N.
Redon Zhan