The income budgets Krasnodar Territory grew by 12 billion rubles

@Kubanskie novosti
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Deputies of Legislative assembly of edge under the chairmanship of Youri Aleksandrovich Burlachko at the 61st session Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory in two readings accepted at once changes in the three-year budget the Document the minister of finance submitted Krasnodar Territory Sergei Maksimenko. Adjustment towards increase in profitable and account parts of regional treasury for 2021 and planning period 2022 and 2023 is provided. Thus only in the current year the income will grow more than on 12 billion rubles, expenses – on 7,4 billion rubles. The presented changes are caused by increase in the tax and non-tax income, and also...
Youri Aleksandrovich Burlachko
Last position: Chairman (Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory)
Sergei Maksimenko
Last position: Minister (Minfin KK)
Legislative assembly of edge
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Regionalny parlament
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