In "the Support of Russia" Youri Mikhaylovich Savelov told how business "earns" in lokdaun

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In Moscow the mode of the days off during which in the city toughen koronavirusny restrictions works from October 28 to November 7 and enter partial lokdaun. Carrying out cultural, spectacular, sporting, entertaining and other events, except for the authorities organized on the decision or coordinated with capital Rospotrebnadzor is suspended. The member of council of "the Support of Russia", the businessman Youri Mikhaylovich Savelov on air of Public service … In "the Support of Russia" Youri Mikhaylovich Savelov told the message how business "earns" in lokdaun appeared at first on Public news service...
Youri Mikhaylovich Savelov
Last position: President of Sirius group of companies