The revenues budgets Ulyanovsk Region are increased the current year by 1,6 billion rubles

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On October 27 the draft of the budget Ulyanovsk Region is submitted for consideration in Legislative Assembly. Deputies of the budgetary committee not only took part in discussion of modification of the main financial document of the current year, but also stated the offers concerning the draft of the budget for 2022. Taking into account adjustments the total amount of the income budgets Ulyanovsk Region will exceed 77,4 billions, and expenses will increase on 1 billion 678 million rubles and will reach 85,3 billion rubles. Thus, the revenues budgets will increase on 1 billion 628 million rubles. Thus deficiency will increase...
Natalia Bryukhanova
Last position: Acting as minister (Ministry of Finance of the Ulyanovsk region)
Chepukhin Alexander