Whom from the Chelyabinsk athletes are going to send for the Olympic Games-2022

@Cheljabinsk Segodnja
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LLC "OKR", Olympic committee Russia, ROC decided on the list of applicants for participation in the future Games in Beijing. The list consists their 599 surnames on 14 disciplines. The biggest list – in hockey, 166 applicants. If to look at athletes from Chelyabinsk Region who can appear in a national team, but got to the list of 16 people playing for our region. These are skaters Anastasia Grigoryev, Olga Fatkulina and Stepan Chistyakov, snowboarders Volgina Maria and Jaroslaw Stepanko. In discipline "Fristail" in Beijing South Ural residents Glazkova Alexander, Anastasia Chirtsova and Igor Omelin can act...
Anastasia Grigoryev
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Ольга Александровна Фаткулина
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Anastasia Chirtsova
Last position: The professional athlete on freestyle
Igor Omelin
Last position: The professional athlete of Russian national team on freestyle ("FEDERATSIYA FRISTAYLA RUSSIA"; "BRANCH OF FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT")
Ilya Karpukhin
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Chgoo HK "Traktor")