Results of final day of the World Cup in Rube: bronze in the keyrena at Tyshchenko Iana and Rostovtsev Sergei in race with an elimination

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On October 24 in final day in the cycling World Cup on a track in French Rube world champions in individual sprint, Madison and race decided on an elimination at men, the keyrena and race on points at women. At women in the keyrena the gold medal was won by Lea Sophie Friedrich from Germany. Silver medal of an ugonshchitsa from Japan Sato Mir. Bronze the Russian won Tyshchenko Iana. Darya Shmeleva took the 6th place, without having started in final arrival because of falling in a semi-final. In race with an elimination Italian Elia Viviani became the world champion. The second place was won by Ury Leytao (Portugal). The third...