The Russian cyclists – the ninth in an all-team competition following the results of the World Cup to France

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on October 24, in Rube (France) the cycling World Cup on a track came to the end. 22 sets gnagroad were played. Russians with two serebyarny and four bronze medals took the ninth place in an all-team competition. The Germans (6-2-3), the second – Dutches (5-3-2), the third – Italians (4-3-3), the fourth – French (2-3-1), the fifth – British (2-1-5), the sixth – Belgians (1-4-1) won. On total number of awards the first – the Germans (11), the second – Dutches and Italians (on 10), divided the fifth place French, Belgians and Russians (on 6). About it reports Agency "All sports...