Prime minister Georgia: Mikheil Saakashvili will be imprisoned

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Mikheil Saakashvili, condemned in Georgia, never will be exclusive. About it as informational and analytical portal "Gruziya Online" transfers, the prime minister declared on October 23 in Tsageri Georgia Irakly Tarielovich Garibashvili to journalists. "Who to it prevents to eat? Why it starves? — declared Irakly Tarielovich Garibashvili. — I want to tell everything that condemned Mikheil Saakashvili never will be exclusive". According to him, to Georgia it is necessary to care of several thousand prisoners which also contain in prisons. "Condemned Mikheil Saakashvili differs nothing except that he committed much more serious crimes before our country...
Mikheil Saakashvili
Last position: Head of Executive committee (National Reform Council at President of Ukraine)
Irakly Tarielovich Garibashvili
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Georgia)