В очередной раз - на те же дубинки?

@Gazeta Kazahstana "Vremja"
Почему буксуют реформы правоохранительных органов?..
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Time» , more details in our Terms of Service
Kasym-Zhomart Tokaev
Last position: President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (President of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Yerlan Koshanov
Last position: Chairman (Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Aset Orentaevich Isekeshev
Last position: Assistant to the President (Administration President of Republic Kasakhstan)
Yerlan Zamanbekovich Turgumbaev
Last position: Adviser to the President (Administration President of Republic Kasakhstan)
Talgat Narikbaev
Last position: Rector (Joint-stock company "University Kazgyuu")