Albanians are concerned by the forthcoming meeting Serbian right in the north Kosovo

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The Albanian oppositional Lapsi edition reported on October 21 that the international organization "Alliance for the World and Freedom" into which enter also Serbian right, plans to hold meeting in the north Kosovo. The head of the right movement "Serbian Right for Serbia" Mischa Vachich who is considered by the satellite of Serbian progressive party by Alexander Vuchich, called the meeting purpose ensuring the international support to Kosovan Serbians. "That Serbians saw that not only our traditional brothers — Russians or Greeks — but also representatives of all people Europe adhere to that position that Kosovo — is Serbia". Mischa...
Alexander Vuchich
Last position: President of the Republic Serbia (President of Republic Serbia)
Roberto Fiore
Last position: Founder, Forza Nuova party leader ("New force")
Shilov Yvan
Serbian progressive party
Political ideology:National conservatism, populism, panjevropeizm