In Republic of Tatarstan court registered claim about cancellation of QR codes

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Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan registered claim about cancellation of "koronavirusny" restrictions in the republic. Among them – system of QR codes. About it it is spoken in materials put, vessels published on the website...
Ruslan Zinatullin
Last position: Chairman (Regional branch office of the Russian Federation joint democratic party "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, regional branch office of the Russian Federation joint democratic party of the Republic of Tatarstan, "Yabloko" Integrated democrats" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, PO RODP "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, Party RO "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, Party "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, "Yabloko" Green Russia" in of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Eugenia Islamov
Last position: The coordinator in Tatarstan
Anna Popova
Last position: Head, Chief state health officer of the Russian Federation (Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare)
Marina Patyashina
Last position: Head (Administration office Роспотребнадзора по of the Republic of Tatarstan (Republic of Tatarstan))
Izotova Helena