To the first Sakhalin cyberschool year] was execute

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Pupils, their parents, and also friends and partners of association celebrated the first year of work of KiberOne cyberschool a festive quest in style of Maynkraft, master classes and competitions in high-speed assembly of a cube of Rubik. The big holiday passed on the basis of Sakhalin IT park. About it transfers online edition "DV-ROSS" with reference to the press service of Administration of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Development various directions of technical educations — is one of...
Юлия Григорьевна Яцык
Last position: People's Deputy (The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)
Melikhov Jaroslaw
Mochalova Valeria
Sulakov Maxime
LLC "School Rosta"
City administration
Government Agency