The Voronezh KBHA from the second attempt managed to find the contractor for modernization for 9,3 billion rubles

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Voronezh JOINT-STOCK COMPANY KBHA (KBHA; enters into JSC Voronezh Center of Rocket Engine-building) found the contractor for the first and second stages of modernization of productions rocket engines for "Union". LLC "GreytStroy" from Kazan became the contractor. Information on it appeared on government purchases. On October 1 order taking for performance of the first and second stages of modernization of productions rocket engines for "Union" began. The initial price of contracts made 5,4 billion and 3,4 billion rubles respectively...
Vladimir Nikolaevich Nikishov
Last position: CEO (LLC "GreytStroy")
LLC "GreytStroy"
LLC "GreytStroy"