The actor of the movie "Brother 2" Alexander Nikolaevich Naumov told how learned about "death"

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The actor Alexander Nikolaevich Naumov within new release of the Let's Talk project with Manukyan Vadim told about how a few years ago learned about "funeral". One of libraries, located on the small homeland of the actor of the movie "Brother 2", exposed at herself its portrait with death date. According to cultural workers, Alexander Nikolaevich Naumov "died" on May 15, 2015, as was specified on a portrait. When the actor learned about it, called the staff of libraries and explained: they were mistaken, with it everything is all right. In the organization started apologizing before the actor, having noted that, most likely...
Olga Buzova
Last position: TV host, singer
Alexander Nikolaevich Naumov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Yugo-Zapade")
Manukyan Vadim
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