RU-VEB. Investments became the owner of the registrar of the domain names REG.RU

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The Russian registrar of domain names and hosting REG.RU provider became part of companies to RU-VEB, 75 which % belong to consortium of investors led by Proxima Capital Group, and 25% - to holding daily business newspaper "RBK daily". At the end of September "Investment RU-VEB.<"4>" " became the absolute owner, entering holding daily business newspaper "RBK daily" "the RU-center of Groups". Besides, daily business newspaper "RBK daily" received 25% a share in LLC "RU-VEB. INVESTITSII". Companies REG.RU and "the RU-center of Groups" remain at the brands and will keep the teams. In 2020 of structure left with revenue in 3 billion rubles, in a total equivalent the profit made about half a billion rubles. It agrees...
Vladimir Tatarchuk
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors, chief executive officer