City Court of the Moskovka settlement recognized lawful a sentence Kira Yarmysh on the case of violation of sanitary standards

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Alexei Navalny condemned the press secretary for 1,5 years of restriction of freedom Moscow, on October 14. information agency "ITAR-TASS". City Court of the Moskovka settlement rejected complaint on a sentence to the press secretary Alexei Navalny Kira Yarmysh, condemned for 1,5 years of restriction of freedom for instigation to violation of sanitary standards during an unauthorized action in Moscow in January of this year. About it reported information agency "ITAR-TASS" in the press service of vessels". City Court of the Moskovka settlement the appointed Kira Yarmysh left without change punishment on a sentence Preobrazhenka village district court of Moscow city of 16.08.2021", - the representative of vessels told. After announcement of a sentence Kira Yarmysh left from...