Депутаты ЗС Иркутской области проверили реализацию проектов по благоустройству в Нижнеудинске

@Tvoj Irkutsk
Это центральный городской парк, общественное пространство и один двор. Финансирование составило 6,9 миллиона рублей...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Your Irkutsk» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Putov
Last position: Head (Administration of the Nizhneudinsk city municipality)
Natalia Dikusarova
Last position: The deputy, the Chairman of the Committee on the budget, pricing, financial and economic and tax laws (Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region)
Vedernikov Alexander
Nosenko Olga
Yegorova Larissa
Legislative assembly of Region
Government Agency
Oblastnoy parlament
Government Agency