Court sentenced chapter MPRZ "ALLIANCE VRACHEY" to freedom restriction for violation of sanitary standards

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Announcement of a sentence took place without participation Vasilyeva Anastasia as it was late for it Moscow, on October 14. information agency "ITAR-TASS". Preobrazhenka village district court of Moscow city sentenced on Thursday labor union chapter MPRZ "ALLIANCE VRACHEY" (it is recognized to Russian Federation as NPO-inoagentom) Vasilyeva Anastasia to one year of restriction of freedom on the case of violation of sanitary standards during an unauthorized action in Moscow. About it information agency "ITAR-TASS" reported in the press service of vessels". Court found guilty Vasilyeva Anastasia according to p.1 Art. 236 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (the violation of the sanitary and epidemiologic rules which entailed on imprudence a mass disease or poisoning of people or has created threat...