Court will announce a sentence to chapter MPRZ "ALLIANCE VRACHEY" on the case of violation of sanitary standards on October 14

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Court at meeting heard on October 13 the last word of the defendant Vasilyeva Anastasia Moscow, on October 13. information agency "ITAR-TASS". Preobrazhenka village district court of Moscow city will announce a sentence to labor union chapter MPRZ "ALLIANCE VRACHEY" (it is recognized to Russian Federation as NPO-inoagentom) Vasilyeva Anastasia, accused of violation of sanitary standards on an unauthorized action, on October 14. About it information agency "ITAR-TASS" reported in the press service of vessels ". In court the court session on criminal case concerning Vasilyeva A. E. was continued. , accused of commission of the crimes provided by h. 4 Art. 33, p.1 Art. 236 of the criminal code of Russian Federation ("Instigation to violation of sanitary standards")...