In RAMTE there was a place to a cat to Saveli of Grigory Sluzhitel

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Having brought together the audience in the foyer, Balandin Denise will spend them excursion across old Moscow to obsolete "Zaporozhets" covered with tarpaulin into which the cat Gloria got to be delivered there of four kittens. Two girls and couple of boys. Mummy named one of them Saveli in honor of darling a tvorozhka. The window on a back of a scene opens, and actors attract inviting gestures: "Here! Go here rather! " There is that you took for a scenery element – the real window. Having turned away from seen below, you meet the eyes of the actors who have come for bow. You stand on...
Sergei Zhenovach
Last position: Professor, Head of the department of direction of the drama (RUSSIAN FEDERATION HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION TEATRALNOGO ISKUSSTVA-GITIS)
Victor Panchenko
Last position: Actor (RAMT)
Taras Yepifantsev
Last position: Actor (RAMT)