Mol Anders and Christian Sandli Serum became winners Mirovoy Final round on beach volleyball

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Moscow, 11 Oct - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Norwegians Mol Anders and Christian Sandli Serum became winners Mirovoy Final round on beach volleyball to Italian Cagliari. Mol Anders and Christian Sandli Serum in a match for the first place beat Czechs Ondrzhey Perushich and David Shvayner – 2-0 (22:20, 23:21). In a match for the third place Dutches Stephen van de Velde and Varenkhorst Christian were stronger than Italians Nikolai Paolo and Lupo Danielle – 2-0 (23:21, 21:17). In female tournament by winners there were Germans Borger Karla and Yulia Zude, beaten in a decisive match of Canadians Pavan Saru and Melissa Umanu-Paredes – 2-0 (21:13, 23:21). Earlier...