Prosecutor's office Prokhladny Kabardino-Balkar Republic took part in the informative lesson devoted to the 300 anniversary of educations of prosecutor's office to Russian Federation

@Prokuratura KBR
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In anticipation of celebration of the 300 anniversary from the date of educations prosecutor's offices Russian Federation in MBOU "Gymnasium No. 2" there passed an informative lesson with participation of the senior assistant prosecutor of the city Vasilenko Alexandra, assistant prosecutors of the city Samokhvalova Helena and Mokaev Alime. Occupation began with movie viewing about stories of the Russian prosecutor's offices then the teacher of social science Istomina Ludmila told children about the significant historical figures which have influenced formation of body of the federal government. The pupils of 10 and 11 classes divided into three teams, answered quiz questions...
Vasilenko Alexandra
Samokhvalova Helena
Mokaev Alime
Istomina Ludmila