Japanese Fudzinami – the world champion in fight in weight to 53 kg; Angelica Vetoshkina – the 14th

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Today, on October 6, to Oslo (Norway) proceeds the fifth day of Wrestling World Cup. In the weight final to 53 kg Japanese Akari Fudzinami was obviously stronger than Moldavian Yulia Leorda – 10:0. Bronze – at the Canadian is Stewart Samantha and Poles Katarzhina Kravchik. The Russian Angelica Vetoshkina took the 14th place. About it reports Agency "All sports...
Angelica Vetoshkina
Last position: The professional athlete on free-style wrestling (SAINT PETERSBURG CITY PUBLICLY FUNDED NATIONAL INSTITUTION СШОР "KSHVSM")
Katarzhina Kravchik
Last position: The professional athlete on free-style wrestling
Stewart Samantha