The prosecutor asks for chapter MPRZ "ALLIANCE VRACHEY" 1 year and 8 months of restriction of freedom

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Protection in turn draws on a full justification Vasilyeva Anastasia Moscow, on October 6. information agency "ITAR-TASS". The state prosecutor asked for labor union chapter MPRZ "ALLIANCE VRACHEY" (it is recognized inoagenty) Vasilyeva Anastasia 1 year and 8 months of restriction of freedom on the case of violation of sanitary standards during an unauthorized action in Moscow. The lawyer Dzhulay Dimitri ". The prosecutor asked to find my client guilty and to appoint by her punishment in the form of one year and eight months of restriction of freedom in the form of a ban on departure from Moscow and a ban to leave the house from 06:00 till 20:00 Moscow time, and also...