The Venezuelan production plant joint stock company nevertheless promise to complete in 2022

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Moscow. October 5. information agency "Interfaks" - the Authorities Venezuela plan to finish construction production plant Kalashnikovs in the second half of 2022 of next year, the envoy of the president declared in Moscow Venezuela Adan Chaves. He hoped that this time nothing will prevent to complete the enterprise. "It is necessary to recognize that it is process it was braked, in particular, on a number of financial questions and blocking of our funds from the party of United States of America", - he told. According to him, construction is constantly discussed with the Russian side and "road map" which will allow to finish the project is already ready...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Dimitri Shugaev
Last position: Director (Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation)
Sergei Chemezov
Last position: Director general (SC Rostec)
Sergei Nikolaevich Popelnyukhov
Last position: CEO (LLC "Stroyinvestinzhiniring")