RPL cause of failure from tenders on the telerights] became know

@Sport den' za dnem
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Katanaev Yvan, holding a position of the deputy director generals the Sportrecs video service, told why sport TV channel "Match TV" became the owner of RPL without tenders, despite possibility of carrying out competitions with other companies. "That did not carry out tender, and simply accepted the improved offer of "Match" — it not well and it is not bad, and objective reality. In League there are no people not simply qualitatively to hold the similar tender, and at least to prepare tender documentation. Plus was big fear on the fact that Okko will clash with "Match", and it everything will pour out in problems with...
Mikhail Mikhaylovich Gershkovich
Last position: Head of sports projects (Rambler&Co)
Katanaev Yvan
Yandex LLC
Main activity:Communication and IT