The federation of rowing supported further work Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kovalev the head coach

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The bronze prize-winner of the World Cup of 1999 was approved by the organization to this post in September, 2019 Moscow, on October 5. information agency "ITAR-TASS". The presidium of LLC "FGSR" made the decision to keep for Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kovalev Kovalyov a post of the head coach of a national team. About it information agency "ITAR-TASS" was reported by the president of LLC "FGSR" Aleksey Svirin. The bronze prize-winner of the World Cup - 1999 Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kovalev was approved by federation to the post of the head coach of a national team in September, 2019. "At us passed competition, but no changes will exist, - Aleksey Svirin noted. - Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kovalev remains the head coach...