The foundation of cooperation with the Ministry of emergency situations China] is lai

@SPb UGPS MChS Rossii
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At a meeting questions of training and professional development of experts of sector on response to an emergency of Ministry po delam grazhdanskoy oborony, to emergency situations and natural disaster response China at the St. Petersburg university by GPS of Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters, an exchange of experience in area of elimination of consequences of forest fires, to decrease in risks of emergence of an emergency on especially dangerous objects, and also rendering the first medical aids in case of an emergency were discussed. From outside China participated in a meeting representatives of department of the international cooperation and the humanitarian assistance the Ministry of Emergency Situations China, Managements forest fires of the Ministry of Emergency Situations China, Institutes the Ministry of Emergency Situations China, and also the staff of the Main hospitals...