In a horse marathon on 30 km on Naadym the horse of "Pine forest" Dorzhu Bayyr Aleksandrovich from Ulug-Khemsky district Tyva Republic] took priorit

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Within republican Naadym, a holiday of cattle breeders of Tyva Republic, the most different competitions took place. Results of the Championship of Tyva Republic 2021 on the horse jumps, devoted to a holiday of cattle breeders of "Naadym-2021" and the 100 anniversary of educations TNR which has taken place in m of Bozhalyg Erzinsky kozhuuna, are published on Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Tyva Republic. Everything, according to the ministry, 372 horses participated in jumps. In the most prestigious long distance on 30 km of the fastest the second year in a row there was a horse of "Pine forest"...